I was pestered by this stupid windows error that it cannot delete a file because it was being used ! I made sure that none of the applications.. are accessing it. But there must be some code written by M$ guys which made sure that the file was locked.
Cannot delete Filename. Access is denied. The source file may be in use.
I resolved it after a peek >>Here<< .
This file was a normal video file, and the only reason windows would access it is to create a thumbnail. But this video file additionally is corrupt which adds to the problem. So there definitely is a bug in Windows thumbnail creation software, which “keeps-on-trying” to create a thumbnail thereby keeping a lock on this file.. And hence the problem.
If any M$ guy has access to the source.. Let me know if i cornered the bug !..
Or try Unlocker – http://ccollomb.free.fr/unlocker/
It is free and I use it on all my computers. Saves a lot of bother 🙂
– Gautam